Broadcast 2021 Speakers

Anna Wykes
Session: Custom Logging Within DataBricksAnna is a veteran software & data engineer, with over 14 years of experience. She’s tackled projects from real-time analytics with Scala & Kafka, building out Data Lakes with spark and applying engineering to Data Science. Anna is a senior consultant with Advancing Analytics, helping shape & evolve their data engineering practice. She has a real passion for data and strives to bring the worlds of Software Development and Data Science closer together. Other areas of interest include UX, Agile methodologies, and helping to organize/run local Code Clubs.

Annette Allen
Session: Developing code to keep your DBA happySQL Server DBA/Developer. Data Platform MVP. Data South West UG Leader. SQLBits Committee Member. I love everything SQL Server but don’t profess to be an expert in any part! Love cycling and gardening in my spare time.

Arun Sirpal
Session: Azure SQL DatabaseCurrently a x3 time Microsoft MVP I specialise within the Azure Data Platform which includes – SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS), Azure SQL Database (PaaS), Elastic Pools, SQL Managed Instances, Azure SQL DW (Synapse ) and SQL Server 2008R2-2019.
I am also a frequent writer/blogger/speaker and technical reviewer for subjects based on MS SQL Server and Microsoft Azure – Data Platform.

Chris Taylor
Session: Kubernetify your ContainersChris is a UK based Data Platform Architect for Data Masterminds providing SQL Server, Microsoft Azure and AWS consultancy to clients worldwide in a variety of industries. He loves all areas of SQL Server and specialises in Security but really gets his kicks from Automation and DevOps.
He is a frequent speaker at both local and international data events, the founder of the Newcastle Data Platform and Cloud (DPaC) and Newcastle Power BI meetups.

John Q. Martin
Session: Infrastructure as Code: An introduction to TerrafromJohn is an experienced data platform professional having spent over a decade working with the Microsoft data and cloud platform technologies. In this time John has learned how to get the most out of these platforms as well as the key pitfalls that should be avoided.

Kevin Feasel
Session: Does this look weird to you? An introduction to anomaly detectionKevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (, president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (, and author of PolyBase Revealed ( A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather’s nice enough.

Laura Graham-Brown
Session: Brilliant Report, Can I print it?Passionate about training, solving problems and loving a new challenge. My aim is to help a company enable their citizen developers to create solutions to improve the business. I happiest when up to my eyes in data.
Business Applications Microsoft MVP and Member of leadership team of London Power Platform user group

Mark Broadbent
Session: Edge of Tomorrow, An introduction to Graph DatabasesMark Broadbent is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server MCM with over 25 years of experience in SQL Server and working as a Senior Solution Architect for the Microsoft Platform.
He is an expert in concurrency control, technical editor and reviewer to multiple titles, and is a specialist in Azure, Data, DevOps, and other related technologies.
Mark was the founder of SQLSaturday Cambridge (the first and largest in the UK), SharePoint Saturday Cambridge, SQLNexus, and East Anglia SQL User Group. He runs the Hybrid Virtual Group -a not-for-profit virtual event specializing in delivering and promoting Microsoft cloud and data platform content to the masses via

Rob Sewell
Session: Introduction to Azure Arc enabled Data ServicesRob was once a Production SQL Server DBA but now is generally found automating the Data Platform and providing training for clients. He has a passion for PowerShell, Data and DevOps. He is an MVP, an officer for the DevOps PowerShell VG and has spoken and volunteered at many PowerShell and Data events. He is a member of the committee that organises Data In Devon and also the European PowerShell Conference. He is a proud supporter of the Data and PowerShell communities.
He relishes sharing and learning and can be found doing both via Twitter @sqldbawithbeard and his blog He spends most of his time looking at a screen and loves to solve problems. He knows that looking at a screen so much is bad for him because his wife tells him so. Thus, you can find him on the cricket field in the summer or flying a drone in the winter.
He has a fabulous beard!

Tracy Boggiano
Session: Mental Health and Wellness in IT: Safeguarding our most precious resourceTracy Boggiano is currently a Data Platform MVP, PASSion 2020 Award winner, and works as a Senior Database Administrator for DocuSign. Her passion outside of SQL Server is volunteering by advocating for abused and neglected foster children in court through the North Carolina Guardian ad Litem program. This is her favorite and most important job. She has been an Guardian ad Litem for 18+ years and advocated for over 50+ children. As someone who experienced mental health issues she has for the past two years started being a mental health advocate by being a part of the PAIMI (Protection and Advocacy of Individuals with Mental Illnesses) Advisory Council with the DRNC (Disability Rights of North Carolina) and has become Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) certified.